Drain Pros Plumbing Denver’s Response To COVID-19

Health and safety are a major concern nowadays during the global pandemic. The news constantly changes every second and it gets difficult to keep up. We at Drain Pros Plumbing Denver care a lot about our employees and clients in terms of the safety and health and they are always at the topmost priority. As a local company, Drain Pros Plumbing Denver continues to serve Denver with the standard required to maintain during this crucial time and you can contact us for any Emergency Plumbing Services Denver CO.
We at Drain Pros Plumbing Denver have always worked on maintaining the standards of health and safety and have been widening our policies in order to help flatten the curve. Here are some of the extra measures we have taken:
- We constantly check temperatures in the morning in order to ensure that none of the team members have a fever and other symptoms of Covid-19. There is a constant monitoring system.
- We have given a proposal and requested to have a distinct entrance area for our install team and make sure that they wipe all the surfaces and floors after the day ends.
- We have a separate budget for gloves, sanitizer and gloves and have given special instructions and guidelines to keep a distance of at least 6 meters.
We have been in the loop and constantly monitor the Covid-19 situation as it changes and progresses in order to keep ourselves aware about the guidelines in accordance with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) as well as the policies and guidelines we get from the governments, whether federal, of state or local.
For now, none of our employees have been tested positive for COVID-19 and if anyone does test positive then we will take even extra strict measures. The virus may not fully finish but we will do our best to try to prevent it from spreading at least in our company. If anyone does test positive, then they will be self-quarantined, and they will be given time off from work until they have fully recovered and show no further symptoms. Our promise to our customers is that we will uphold full transparency with you no matter what, our client and customers are unbelievably valuable to us.
Everyone is concerned about the coronavirus and how it has had a major impact on our community, but we do have a plan to support and protect the well being and safety of our team members and customers. We will try our best to give our maximum and do our best to keep everyone safe who is involved in the process.
For Emergency Plumbing Services Denver CO, you can contact us at Drain Pros Plumbing Denver even in the global pandemic. So, contact us today on our website and get your work done by filling out our form and details.
Wishing you all a very good health.